HR Tools to Confidently Meet Your HR Goals!
Combining HR Compliance and HR Best Practices expertise, we collaborate with you to provide the following critical HR tools:

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Review of HR Policies & Practices from Hiring to Termination
We gather and review your existing HR documents and talk with key staff involved with employment matters. This helps us identify inconsistencies with regulatory requirements and/or HR Best Practices. You will then receive feedback detailing existing and potential problem areas so we can discuss a “road map” for planning and implementing sound employment practices.
The items we review will include the employee handbook, new-hire paperwork, wage statements (paystubs), timekeeping records, performance management tools, leave administration paperwork, and separation of employment documents.

Request TPO’s HR Compliance Review - List of items to Review!
TPO’s HR Administration Kit is perfect for employers committed to creating and maintaining compliant and effective employment forms and guidelines from pre-employment to separation of employment. With our user-friendly and fully customized Kit, you gain increased confidence, efficiency, and organization to implement and administer consistent employment policies, practices and procedures.
A certified TPO expert will consult with you to customize the following seven sections:
- Interview Questions, Application for Employment, Offer Letter
Upon Hire
- New-Hire Paperwork, Required Pamphlets/Documents
Performance Planning and Review System
- Guidelines, Goal Setting, Performance Review, Development Planning
Corrective Action System
- Guidelines, Performance Improvement Plan – PIP, Corrective Action Form, Problem Solving Form
Time Away from Work – Leave Compliance Program
- 5-49 Leave Interaction CFRA / PDL / WC
- 50 Leave Interaction CFRA / FMLA / PDL / WC
- Guidelines, Policy, Health Care Provider Certification Forms, Sample Letters, Reasonable Accommodation Letter/Form
Separation of Employment
- Notice of Resignation, Change of Employment Status, Exit Questionnaire, Required Pamphlet
General/Safety Information
- File Management Guidelines/ Record Retention Record Retention Requirements, Compliance Requirements by Size, General Safety Requirements, Cal/OSHA Log 300

The Kit includes the required fillable .pdf forms, guidelines, sample leave letters and pamphlets you need to achieve superior risk management and employee relations outcomes.
All employers can benefit from having a current Employee Handbook. With it, every employee receives the same information about the rules of the workplace, what they can expect from you, and will provide valuable protection in the event of legal challenge.
A professionally written, straightforward, and compliant employee handbook communicates essential information about:

We have written and updated thousands of Employee Handbooks. Our HR Experts simplify the process by helping you make important policy decisions to align your Employee Handbook with your specific employee relations and HR policy objectives which:
- Promote Fair & Consistent Treatment
- Lower the Possibility of Arbitrariness & Discrimination - Reducing Employer Risk
- Enhance Employee Morale, Productivity and Loyalty
Request TPO’s Employee Handbook - List of Policies!
Request a Consultation!
Leave requirements depend on employer size:
Leave requirements depend on employer size:
- FMLA – Federal Family Care Medical Leave Act (50+)
- CFRA – CA Family Rights Act (5+)
- PDL – CA Pregnancy Disability Act (5+)
- WC – CA Workers’ Comp (1+)
Let the TPO Experts Unravel the Mysteries of What These Acronyms Mean!
Managing these complicated State & Federal leave laws and figuring out the integration between them has always been a challenge! It is no secret that these laws were NOT written for simplicity or ease of administration. In fact, there are numerous opportunities to fumble…whether you miss an important notification requirement, stop benefits short of legal requirements, or fail to offer the amount of leave allowed.

We will work with you to fully customize your TPO’s Leave Interaction Compliance Program for a system to navigate the overlaps and differences involved with leave requirements. Then you can manage these complex leaves with confidence!
Components include:
- Guidelines
- Policy
- Health Care Provider Certification Forms
- Sample Letters
- Required Documents
- Reasonable Accommodation Letter/Form
Organizations large and small have recognized the advantage of maintaining current written job descriptions for all job positions.
Components of a Job Description?
Essential Duties and Responsibilities, Qualification Requirements (Education & Experience, Language Skills, Mathematical Skills, Reasoning Ability, and other skills), Physical Demands, and the Work Environment.
Uses for a Job Description:
By having all of the information in one place, a job description template can assist in the following areas:

Uses for a Job Description:
Current job descriptions are useful in many areas of your business activities. By having all of the information in one place, a job description template can assist in the following areas:
Need Help? TPO’s expert HR consultants can either work with you to create your job descriptions, or you can use TPO’s detailed Job Description Development Program to create your own.
Performance planning and management is the driving force behind your organization’s outcomes. TPO’s Performance Planning and Review System offers a systematic method for goal setting, employee self-assessment, performance reviews and development planning.
What’s included:

At TPO, we have designed various performance planning and review options with associated guidelines aimed at formally planning, evaluating, documenting, and developing your team’s performance outcomes.
We work with you to FIRST understand the core issues and THEN offer recommendations, advice, and tools to work through the issues given the specific circumstances.
Corrective action should be approached in the spirit of resolving performance or misconduct problems. Each situation represents a unique set of circumstances, managed based on factual considerations. Corrective action should be related to, and in proportion with, the seriousness of the situation. Clear and defensible documentation is essential.
What’s included:

We also provide highly acclaimed training, development, and coaching support to increase the skills and effectiveness of managers in giving feedback, coaching and understanding when various types of corrective action are warranted.
For More Information!
Bilingual Spanish?
“With TPO's expertise, quick response and collaborative style we are updating our staff handbook, bringing in the HR Administration Kit, revising job descriptions, participating in various training sessions. Their ongoing support is adding great value with our strategic and transactional HR needs and initiatives.”
Carmel Bach Festival, Inc. – TPO Member
Steve Friedlander, Executive Director